What Is Mongrel2?
Mongrel2 is an application, language, and network architecture agnostic web server that focuses on web applications using modern browser technologies.
Mongrel2 supports 17 languages and platforms, HTTP, Flash sockets, WebSockets, Long Polling, and many ways to deploy and hack on it.

Tons of Languages
We currently support 17 languages and platforms that you can build your apps in all at the same time.

Are you looking for Help with Mongrel2?
There's a few ways you can get help with Mongrel2. We've got a mailing list at mongrel2@librelist.com that you can join. You can also come talk to us on IRC at #mongrel2 on irc.freenode.org.
There's also documentation you can read and even a full manual covering everything we could document and that's updated for each release.

Are you looking for The source code?
You can checkout the git repository at github.com/mongrel2/mongrel2 or get the latest tar.bz2.
You'll want the develop branch for the latest development work. We can't guarantee that it'll work though.